Thursday, 5 April 2012

Flowers I Cannot Name

I bought myself a bouquet
of flowers I cannot name:
purple bursts of pompoms,
kelly leaves rimmed in fuchsia,
and pink bulbs more fruit-like
in appearance than wildflowers.

I arranged them in a vacuum flask,
too broken to be anything
other than an half-hearted vase
with a too small opening.

I peeled back the curtain,
used a dirty blue clothespin
to let the afternoon sunlight burn
its way into my room.


  1. this is a lovely, lovely poem.

    well impressed.

    Andy N

  2. I love this. It's beautiful, and there's a combination of foreign(I remember when Casey and Jess and I were living in California and all the plants seemed weird to me - I imagine Australia is like 100 times that) and home that gets across really strongly without having to say anything at all.

    I think the stanza/line about the vacuum flask is my favorite, though.

    1. Thanks, Faye. I like that little vacuum flask, but it doesn't make a very good flower vase.
